


I breathe…

The scar from an old wound aches

somewhere deep under my skin.

The memories of pain and terrible circumstance

want to flood my mind like a swarm of escaping butterflies.

They are rising, I can feel it.

I don’t want to feel it though or even think of these memories

or remember that they have been lying dormant

somewhere inside of me.

Taking another breath…

I let myself remember just enough

to remember I have a new life now.

I acknowledge the wretched pain just enough

to acknowledge why I can feel the scar right now.

And I tell myself “it’s okay” over and over until

it’s just enough to really feel okay.





I let the tears fill my eyes,

I let the old pains roll through, noticing

they're not nearly as painful as they once were.

I let the memories surface just enough to fade back away…

The moments feel long…

Sitting and breathing…

Time becomes still, taking another breath

I let the peace resume its space in my chest

and calmly watch the butterflies flutter across the field.

September 2017